Air Raid Sirens

Los Angeles Area
Contact Me
Comments, corrections, additions, photos, and general feedback are welcome!
- By submitting information and/or photos, unless you specifically say otherwise, it will be assumed
that you are granting permission for it be placed on this web site.
- Please let me know if you would like credit for your submission(s) or not.
- If you are including updates, please be as specific as possible as to the location, comments
about where it is relative to the location on the list (northwest corner, etc.), type of siren, condition, and
any other info that might be useful. GPS Lat/Long coordinates, if available, would be useful as well.
- As the webmaster for this site, I reserve the right to determine what is placed on this site
and what isn't.
- While I've been striving to provide as much up to date information as possible, I cannot guarantee
the accuracy or authenticity of any information contained on this site. Use it at your own risk.
Email me at:
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