The Society publishes the Headlight newsletter on a bi-monthly basis. Each newsletter has current Society news and news of the local railroad scene. We also publish the Northwesterner a high quality magazine format journal with stories about the Redwood Empire's railroading past. Stories range from ferryboats to tea-kettles to diesel powered trains complete with pictures from our extensive Archive.
Click Publications to the left to see an index of past Northwesterners you can purchase.
Library Access
The Hogarty Library/Archive hold our vast collection of more than twenty thousand pictures, books, maps, plans and Artifacts, right now our searchable database contains over 20,000 entries with more being added all the time.
Click on Library to the left for access information.
Restoration Opportunities
The Society has restored quite a few railroad artifacts. The Orderboard and baggage cart at the Santa Rosa Depot and NWP Caboose #13, now residing in Willits are our finished projects. We have finished up our project to restore Petaluma and Santa Rosa Caboose #1. Our next projects include CP Coach #29 (NWP #123) and Baggage Car SF&NP #5 (NWP#605).
We have set up a Yahoo Group site to share information and pictures of our restoration efforts. It is a membership only list (to reduce spam) but all are welcome to join. Go to by clicking here.
Click on the links to each car on the left to get additional details.
Sharing of Information
The Society also sponsors quarterly railroad history talks. The NWPRRHS Program in both San Rafael and Santa Rosa offer two hours of history and conversation. Meet up with other folks interested in railroad history at these informative programs. The doors open a half hour before the program starts so we can meet with friends and make new ones too. Refreshments are served and Society books and memorabilia are also sold at these events.
Check out the Events button on the left for times and locations.
updated October 28, 2015