Jeff Millerick removes a panel and reveals the car number in gold leaf - 29. Now who's car 29 is it?
Discovery crew: Standing L-R Mike Manson, Gus Campagna, Charlie Siebenthal, Bruce Evans, Skip Reuckert and Don Millerick. Seated L-R Lauren Williams, tennant and Jeff Millerick.
Sanding to try to find an NWP number.
Our first peek under the metal roofing to see what covered the car roof.
The carport is coming down, as the tennant is packing up to leave.
Carport is gone.
Laundry room, one wall down, two to go.
The entire crew gets ready to finish the demolition of the laundry room roof.
A little more of the car is appearing.
Front porch and laundry room all gone, wow it really is looking like a railroad car.
Interior of the car, carpet and wood stove still in place.
Our first look at the inside of the roof. It looks like all the panels are there, though there seems to be some water damage.
Interior braced for moving, the carpet and stove are gone, but the kitchen cabinets remain.
Preparing for the first lift. Phil Joy Housemoving crew doing their job.
Both I beams under the car, ready to lift it up.
The car is lifted up and the trailer is slowly backed into place. There was a tree in front of the porch that had to stay
The trailer is just about in place.
Out the driveway, I'm glad the trailer can be steered.
One final check before we hit the road.
The old coach is almost traveling over the old P & SR tracks nearing her new home.
Backing into the position where the P & SR Caboose sat.
Setting her down on blocks at the restoration site.
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This page was created on November 11, 2011
and last updated on November 14, 2011