P & S R Boxcar # 2 Pictures
Looking up from the street.
Overgrown doorway, is there a Boxcar hiding here somewhere?
Other side almost as overgrown. Wow a tree growing out of the roof!
Logo visable inside the garage addition.
Trimming begins to reveal a boxcar shape.
Yes, it is looking more like a railroad boxcar.
Car number stenciled on the roof rafter.
Garage side, original paint intact.
Logo showing thru the layers of paint.
Inside certainly looks like a boxcar.
Under frame view. Lifted up and ready to be loaded onto the moving truck.
Putting the truck under the boxcar.
On the move.
Arriving Petaluma.
Its new home for now, between the P & S R caboose and the NWP baggage car at the Petaluma Restoration site.
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This page was created on November 4, 2012
and last updated on November 4, 2012