Restoration - Video Page
Here are some YouTube videos of our restoration projects.
- CP #29 video Roger Graeber's video of the #29's recovery.
- NWP #605 video Roger Graeber's video of the #605's recovery.
- NWP Baggage #605 ongoing restoration The continuing restoration of the 1892 wooden baggage car, formerly SF & NP baggage #5, NWP MW #123.
- B & 0 Car #20 Salvage Our trip to Baltimore to recover car parts for CP #29.
- The rescue of P & SR Boxcar #2 From discovery to relocation in Petaluma.
- Caboose #1 short version Start to almost complete coverage of the restoration work.
Longer videos are available for sale thru the Society.
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This page was created on January 7, 2011
and last updated on November 30, 2014